-You’ll have to keep re-perming your roots or cut the perm off – Not today’s perms. There is different hard to softness in perm solutions nowadays. Some perms are soft enough to fade out of the hair making them more of semi-permanent perm.  

-It’s going to be a frizzy mess- Yes & no. They become a frizzy mess if you do not care for it and have proper at home maintenance. One act that will result in frizz is touching/playing with a new perm. Ideally you do not touch, wet, or mess with a perm for 48 hours after the perm service. 

-Perms curls look unnatural- It boils down to the condition of your hair and how you treat it. One thing about perms is that you will probably not like it for the first 3-5 days until it relaxes itself.  

-Perms will damage your hair to the extreme- False. It’s comparable to color damage. It is a controlled damage… It is a chemical service so some damage is to be expected but the solutions are way safer in today’s industry.  

-They give the same curl to everyone- Super false. It all depends on rod size and desire outcome. Not one perm looks the same on 2 different heads.  

-You can’t straighten or wear your hair any other way after receiving a perm-False, some people get body waves to create volume and texture they don’t have naturally, this helps with holding styles better.  

-Perming means you never have to do your hair again- No, it creates a simpler daily hair routine but it does need some effort still put into it.  

-Your current product regime works for permed hair too- No, you’re going to need more conditioning into your regime to make sure your hair doesn’t dry out and maintains its moisture level.