I asked the stylists of Salon 3|5 for a flipside perspective in dealing with COVID-19. Question 1) What is 1 thing the COVID outbreak took from you? 2) What is one thing you thank COVID for?  

These are their answers. 


Chloé’s conversation with COVID: 

-1 Thing COVID took from me? My wedding day. I have a very small family with many being immune-compromised. I worked my heart out to have a big beautiful wedding. With the new guidelines being too strict for big gatherings, we look forward to having our special day next June.  

-1 Thing I thank COVID for was the quarantine. I was hugely thankful for my quarantine. I was able to get my jewelry business up and running. I’ve wanted to do this for a few years now & never had the chance to take time away to do it.  I am also thankful for the time I got with my sweet pup, Rambo. We got him in November of 2018 and I haven’t had that length of time off to just be with him.  


Ryan’s conversation with COVID:  

-1 Thing COVID took from me? It took away my support system & treasured time spent with family and friends. 

-1 thing I thank COVID for is it really gave transparency to our societal weaknesses. Lack of health care, greed, income disparity, inequality and community. It gave me an immense appreciation for, not only what I had before COVID but what I still have through the pandemic.  


Maddy’s conversation with COVID: 

-1 thing COVID took from me? Multiple international trips. This was the first year in 5 years (since my son’s birth) I was getting back on my traveling feet and truly quenching my long overdue wanderlust.  I was supposed to go to Italy with my sisters 4 days before the country closed its borders.  It also took away my sons first official road+camping trip, his golden birthday, our families first cruise, and to add to the list, it took away our honeymoon as well.  

-1 thing I thank COVID for is the chance to slow down. Before COVID, for the past probably 24 months I had a constant feeling of burning the wick at both ends. My little body was constantly on the move, constantly contributing my energy & efforts to things that, put into perspective, really don’t matter that much at the end of the day. I am so grateful for the chance to slow down, really decompress, and just be. I also thank COVID for putting into prospective, just exactly what and how much I have to be thankful for & what I need to learn to let go of.